Why Infusionsoft Actually Saves You Time And Money

7-Stages-of-Lifecycle-Marketing-300x133As a small business owner, you have to juggle dozens of balls in the air at any given time.  You have to keep tabs on customer relationships, sales, social media, advertisements, marketing materials, product distribution and so much more.  Even if you’re advanced enough to delegate some of these responsibilities, you’re still in charge of managing your team!

Infusionsoft is a tool that allows you to manage your entire business in one place while still allowing you to see the overall picture of your business operations.  Looking for which emails your customers have opened and clicked?  Wondering which team member followed up prior to the sale?  Which leads are hot and ready to buy?  How many sales you’ve closed in this month, this quarter, or even this year?  Well, Infusionsoft can help you answer ALL these questions (and more) in just a single place.

Many people fall into the trap of thinking that adding technology will automatically make their lives easier – but if you’re not using it effectively then you aren’t maximizing your time and financial savings.

Chaos From Too Many Systems

A piecemeal approach to analytics, reporting, and results can lead to information overload without time time to actually do anything constructive with the data.  By pulling all of your business information into one place, Infusionsoft saves you incredible time and makes the analysis so much easier.

Once you have the essential tracking pieces in place, Infusionsoft helps in one vital way –  automating your repetitive tasks!  By creating a system of time-delivered emails, actions, and more, Infusionsoft helps to turn the repetitive tasks in your business into a “set-it-and-forget-it” process so that you can refocus your energy on what really matters: WOW-ing your customers with mind-blowing content and excellent service.

Maximizing Sales With Excellent Follow Up

Research from top sales experts has shown that most sales occur after 7 to 12 “touches” with a potential customer before they trust you enough to buy something from you.  With Infusionsoft, you can automate the vast majority of your marketing efforts so that these touches happen without your direct intervention.  This not only frees up your time but also ensures that your leads aren’t getting lost in the day-to-day shuffle of business.

Ultimately, Infusionsoft allows you to also understand how a customer reacts to your sales process.  This key information allows you to effectively market and convert leads into paying customers.  Web analytics can provide interesting information but Infusionsoft provides comprehensive and detailed reports to measure your effectiveness.  Tracking your customer’s typical lifecycle provides amazing insights about your sales funnel and help you to identify any bottlenecks or problems in your sales process.

Infusionsoft allows you to send information and content to leads in the most effective way possible.  You can save time and money while feeling in control of your business.  You can use this info to evaluate your processes and determine where leads lose interest, gain interest, who clicked and who bought.  Insights from each stage in this lifecycle allow you to make small changes that ultimately deliver a HUGE impact to your bottom line.

If you’re not fully utilizing your Infusionsoft account, contact us for help.   We can help you map out the big picture of your business strategy and develop a plan to automate each piece to save you massive time and money!

2 responses to “Why Infusionsoft Actually Saves You Time And Money”

  1. […] our last post, I talked about how a tool like Infusionsoft can save you both time and money. This week, I want to talk more specifically about one of the main questions I get from people […]

  2. […] our last post, I talked about how a tool like Infusionsoft can save you both time and money. This week, I want to talk more specifically about one of the main questions I get from people […]

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