How much does Infusionsoft cost?

Is Infusionsoft worth the investment?

How much does Infusionsoft cost?

In our last post, I talked about how a tool like Infusionsoft can save you both time and money. This week, I want to talk more specifically about one of the main questions I get from people thinking about upgrading to Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft is so expensive, is it worth it?

The short answer is YES!  There are many things to look at when it comes to evaluating the benefits of Infusionsoft for your business.  One of the first things to consider is the value of convenience. Infusionsoft allows you to keep everything all in one system which has some major benefits.

For instance, avoiding a piecemeal approach to marketing, product delivery, and customer information management makes you more efficient and helps you to avoid mistakes (like sending a sales email to someone who already bought). It also gives you one place to go for contacts, billing, correspondence, sales information, program access, and performance metrics.

What are you really paying for?

In addition to the software itself, you’re paying for some other major benefits Infusionsoft provides.  By going with an established company that you know will be around when you need it, you avoid the pains of investing your time and money into the new kid on the block only to have them disappear in 6 months or a year.

You’re also investing in your future because Infusionsoft is a system you can grow into quite easily.  You avoid the pain of switching from Mail Chimp to Aweber to 1ShoppingCart and paying your team to recreate metrics, emails and sequences every time you switch platforms!  Think about how much time and money switching from system to system wastes as you grow.

Tracking Your Return on Marketing Investment

One of my favorite benefits of investing in Infusionsoft is your ability to track marketing ROI.  What is the point of investing money (and time) into marketing that isn’t returning any benefit for your business? One of my private clients exclaimed: “When you showed me how to track the ROI of each specific Facebook ad variation, it was worth the entire price of working together.  We now know exactly which marketing efforts to invest in and which ones to avoid.”  Imagine the power of such tools for your business.

If you’re ready to find out what Infusionsoft can automate in your business and how this investment can give you huge ROI, check out the insider’s kit below!

Image credit: 401(K) 2013

2 responses to “Is Infusionsoft worth the investment?”

  1. Nyasha Chibaya says:

    Infusion soft can automate your business and and provide a huge ROI for the investment.And can track the return on marketing investment.

  2. Nyasha Chibaya says:

    Infusion soft can automate your business and and provide a huge ROI for the investment.And can track the return on marketing investment.

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