Why a Squeeze Page Converts Best for Email Opt-ins

Conversion is definitely something that most entrepreneurs are (or should be) concerned with.  You’ve probably heard a lot of different method to increase conversion and may be wondering what to do.  Today, I want to talk a bit about squeeze pages and conversion.

A squeeze page is a landing page that is created specifically to generate for opt-ins, most typically either an email or email + first name sign up.  This method has become incredibly popular because it is so effective at getting visitors to convert into opted-in leads.  Many internet marketers use squeeze pages almost exclusively as opposed to sending visitors to a typical website.

So why does it work?  Well, there’s a few key reasons why they tend to convert at such high percentages.

1.  It’s simple.  By just having the opt-in on the page, it removes any confusion that a visitor may encounter when they come to the page.  They are easily able to digest the purpose of the page and find the place to sign up.  The call to action is highlighted as the single focus “to-do” of the page to find which makes it easier for the visitor to take the next step.

2.  No distractions.  The squeeze page focuses solely on the opt-in process so there’s nothing to distract visitors away from opting in.  Typically, there’s no navigation or external hyperlinks present so there’s basically nowhere else for them to go besides the sign up in the opt-in box.

3.  It’s easy to test and customize.  Having a squeeze page specifically focused on converting visitors to leads makes it much easier to optimize the page for this purpose.  Without having to include other business or product information on the page, it is easier to make small changes (like changing a headline or button) and directly track if the change resulted in a better or worse impact on the conversion rate.

Using squeeze pages for email opt-ins is going to increase the likelihood of conversion when a visitor checks out your site.  Once you convert someone to sign up and get them on your email list, you then have the opportunity to personalize the relationship and customize the information you are presenting to them.

The email opt-in is merely the first step in the perfect customer lifecycle, but without it, you never get the chance to get started educating your new lead towards a sale.  If you’re looking for help with your customer lifecycle, be sure to check out our free Automation Heroes Insider’s Kit below!

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