
5 Ways to Supercharge Your Website Opt-in Rates

I love learning new ninja tricks to improve opt-in conversion rates! If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s simply improving the number of people who enter their email info on a website signup page compared to number of page visitors who see that offer.

Some tricks are dead simple and others are very complex, but I recently came across a fantastic interview with the creator of LeadPages – one of our favorite online marketing tools – who broke down 5 really interesting findings from analyzing their data. You can check out the original article here.

leadpagesThese tricks below are aggregate research, meaning that they aren’t the result of just looking at one A/B split test, instead they are analyzing the cumulative results of many tests.

What this means for you is that while these aren’t guaranteed to give you a bump in conversion, it’s very likely!



#1 – Use a raw or “natural” image instead of a professional shot

I found this one very interesting. Their research shows that the use of a regular image on a landing page or squeeze page leads to much better conversion rates that “professional” photography. Perhaps it’s because it seems more real to the user. This is great news because it means ditching the fancy photo equipment for a simple iPhone may actually be a smart business move!

#2 – Write call to action button text from the user’s point of view

Call To Action Button TextThe distinction here is writing the text on a call to action button (like the one’s in our side bar for the free Insider’s Kit) in the point of view of the actual user viewing the page. In translation, this means using “Download MY free report” instead of “Download YOUR free report”. Interesting finding and it sounds like it tested consistently across the board of A/B tests.

#3 – Monday – Wednesday are the best days for opt-ins

Research from LP indicates that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday seem to historically be the best days to get people to opt-in for your offers. What does this mean for you? If you are going to promote offers to your email list or social media, you might get a better bang-for-your-buck early on during the week.

#4 – 4AM to 3PM Eastern Time seems to be the best window for promotion

This one was interesting to me – it seems that the highest percentage of opt-ins happens early in the morning (US time) into the early afternoon, and drops off afterwards. Clay Collins (Founder of LeadPages) mentioned that the conversion rate during that window seems to be pretty steady, so you don’t need to fret to get your offer out at a specific time during that window.

#5 – “Click up boxes” had tremendously high conversion rates

Click Up ButtonClick up boxes are a fairly new thing in the internet marketing world lately. These are sign up boxes that activate once a user clicks a call to action button, and a “pop up” appears on top of the screen to ask for email submission. Supposedly the conversion rate on these type of boxes was tremendously high, even when comparing to driving visitors from a call to action button straight into a standard squeeze page.

Putting the strategies into action

I hope these findings are useful to you! Your assignment is to see which strategies you can apply in your business to capture more of those leads that are dropping off of your site.


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Note: We love LeadPages so much that we have become a partner with them. If you click any of the links to their product and decide to purchase, we earn a small commission which helps to support the blog. However we promote this product only because we absolutely LOVE it and think it’s one of the most essential tools in your marketing toolbox. It’s incredibly easy to use and has tons of beautiful pre-built templates to choose from right out of the box that only take a few minutes to configure and launch. We use them to promote lead magnets, webinars, new products for sale, and so much more. Check it out here – they have a money back guarantee so even if you decide it’s not for you, it’s worth the time to give it a try!

12 responses to “5 Ways to Supercharge Your Website Opt-in Rates”

  1. Excellent advice as always Patrick – I will definitely check out Lead Pages I continue to hear great things!

  2. Excellent advice as always Patrick – I will definitely check out Lead Pages I continue to hear great things!

  3. Dana Damiani D'Orsi says:

    Great tips, Patrick! I love LeadPages and am definitely going to start writing my calls to action from the user’s point of view…Thanks!

  4. Dana Damiani D'Orsi says:

    Great tips, Patrick! I love LeadPages and am definitely going to start writing my calls to action from the user’s point of view…Thanks!

  5. […] 5. Leadpages – Whether you’re creating landing pages, sales pages, or other types of conversion pages, Leadpages provides templates with easy to use features for SEO and split testing. It also has easy analytics to allow you to track your conversion and effectiveness. This app aims to create the mobile wepage solutions you need to generate more leads for your business so you can grow your audience and build your business. Each page is already designed to have excellent conversion rates and a great mobile friendly layout. More about Leadpages here. […]

  6. […] 5. Leadpages – Whether you’re creating landing pages, sales pages, or other types of conversion pages, Leadpages provides templates with easy to use features for SEO and split testing. It also has easy analytics to allow you to track your conversion and effectiveness. This app aims to create the mobile wepage solutions you need to generate more leads for your business so you can grow your audience and build your business. Each page is already designed to have excellent conversion rates and a great mobile friendly layout. More about Leadpages here. […]

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